Metered usage for Copilot Coach agents

At the end of October 2024, Microsoft introduced five Copilot Coach agents.

  • Prompt Coach
  • Writing Coach
  • Career Coach
  • Idea Coach
  • Learning Coach

Microsoft mentions in the announcement:

These Copilot agents, created by Microsoft, extend the native capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot with instructions and knowledge sources relevant to each use case. They will be available to Microsoft 365 Copilot licensed users from early October 2024. Make sure to check the Teams App Store or use the Microsoft 365 Admin Center to deploy them within your organization.

These agents have been available in the Integrated Apps and Teams apps since November 2024.

Copilot Coach Agents
Copilot Coach Agents

Microsoft documentation does not provide any further information about the Coach agents except for the introduction.

I do not use a Microsoft 365 Copilot license in my tenant, so I was surprised when Prompt Coach and Writing Coach responded.

Prompt Coach with incorrect information
Prompt Coach with wrong information

I asked Copilot for information on whether Prompt Coach now supports “Metered usage” for accounts with no Copilot license.

Copilot with incorrect information
Copilot with wrong information

It is a demonstrably wrong information.
In my tenant, Copilot Studio is still configured with Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) from my testing to evaluate PAYG billing. For accounts without a Microsoft 365 Copilot license and if they use Copilot Studio agents, Copilot Studio uses either a message package (25,000 messages per month) or PAYG via an Azure subscription.

I noticed that Copilot Studio charges for new usage after my Prompt and Writing Coach test.

Billing in the Power Platform Admin Center
Billing in the Power Platform Admin Center

A download confirms the timing aligns with my tests.

Export of usage
Export of usage

Two resource IDs are noted in the download. The resources cause the costs.

  • P_f0ff38f1-4d81-a9b7-dbf1-b161328daa1f
  • P_e3d64609-7a28-6de6-3093-402c20bb96ce

An analysis in the browser confirms that the IDs refer to the two Coach agents. The resource ID is linked to an agent.

Prompt Coach
Prompt Coach

Identical for Writing Coach.

Writing Coach
Writing Coach

Information from the five coach agents summarized.

AgentMicrosoft 365 Object IDPower Platform Resource ID
Prompt Coach90680790-0a82-47bf-bab3-6c60c4221d1dP_f0ff38f1-4d81-a9b7-dbf1-b161328daa1f
Writing Coachf72d7797-c6ee-4fd3-9454-028d0095068bP_e3d64609-7a28-6de6-3093-402c20bb96ce
Career Coach89b7d7a3-fae0-47d7-8140-a38efe34510fP_fcaaab0f-7062-e237-7557-77b846a22444
Idea Coach03386cc1-d424-4eaa-95a8-4a8ec605190eP_be483bea-dc19-b6ae-1d69-fde1f2c7b661
Learning Coach78079743-a11b-45d0-99cb-a69d37717373P_b54e6047-b9a6-9bac-c4fb-3351adb63aa9

It also proves Copilot Coach agents use Metered Usage for accounts with no Microsoft 365 Copilot license, even if Copilot continues to claim otherwise.

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Tobias Asböck

Tobias is a Senior System Engineer with around ten years of professional experience with Microsoft 365 products such as SharePoint Online, SharePoint Premium, OneDrive for Business, Teams Collaboration, Entra ID, Information Protection, Universal Print, and Microsoft 365 Licensing. He also has 15+ years of experience planning, administering, and operating SharePoint Server environments. Tobias is a PowerShell Scripter with certifications for Microsoft 365 products. In his spare time, Tobias is busy with updates in the Microsoft 365 world or on the road with his road bike and other sports activities. If you have additional questions, please contact me via LinkedIn or [email protected].

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