In November 2024, Microsoft informed that they are planning a promotion for Copilot Agents in SharePoint starting in January. Tenants with 50 Microsoft 365 Copilot licenses and more will be activated for the promotion.
Microsoft activated the promotion for qualified tenants on 6. January.
The documentation notes:
During a promotional trial period starting from January 6, 2025, through June 30, 2025, organizations with 50 or more Microsoft 365 Copilot licenses automatically receive 10,000 queries per month for SharePoint agents. This trial gives users without Copilot licenses access to create and use agents.
Once the trial promotion is available, your unlicensed users are able to view and interact directly with SharePoint agents. They will receive a notification about their promotional access and be encouraged to start exploring the feature. Anytime these users interact with agents, their usage counts towards your organization’s monthly trial usage of 10,000 queries. Once the maximum number of queries is reached, users are notified that the service is temporarily unavailable and prompted to try again next month.
User accounts with Edit or Full permissions and without a Microsoft 365 Copilot license are now informed in SharePoint Site Collections that they can use the promotion for Copilot Agents in SharePoint.

It may be interesting for users but is a cost risk for organizations.
As known, Microsoft plans a new Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) model for Copilot Agents in SharePoint in the coming weeks. Agents will be charged using the PAYG model for accounts without a Microsoft 365 Copilot license.
If users start creating agents on their own and the promotion expires at the end of June, it is unlikely that these agents will be removed afterward. Apart from this, Microsoft does not yet provide any reporting on which agents are in use and who owns them.
SharePoint administrators can deactivate the promotion via the SharePoint Online Management Shell module.
Set-SPOCopilotPromoOptInStatus -IsCopilotPromoStatusEnabled $false
The Copilot section for unlicensed accounts is removed / hidden from site collections within a few minutes.
User accounts with a Microsoft 365 Copilot license are unaffected by this change.