Microsoft rolled out an update for SharePoint lists (and Microsoft Lists) for “Real-time collaboration information in lists” in September 2024.
This rollout introduces new features to users, including the ability to add ratings to any list, drag and/or paste images directly into a list, see who is collaborating with you in real time, switch views by clicking tabs, and more.
After that update, other accounts see who is viewing or editing lists in SharePoint and Microsoft Lists.

Users also see where a person is making changes for each line.

SharePoint administrators can now disable real-time collaboration information for site collections using PowerShell. The HidePeopleWhoHaveListsOpen property has been added to Site Collections.
This setting disables the feature in Microsoft Lists that displays the presence of other users on the list and its items when they are viewing. If set to True, the presence of other users on the list and its items will no longer be displayed. List presence is enabled by default.
Set-SPOSite -Identity "<SiteCollectionUrl>" -HidePeopleWhoHaveListsOpen $true
The change takes effect immediately for all lists in the site collection. Information about other users is no longer visible. This change also includes which line is being edited.