Purview Audit Logs include Cloud Policy changes

There are currently 2247 Cloud Policies in the Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center.

Cloud Policies im Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center
Cloud policies in the Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center

Changes to the policies are now recorded in the Purview Audit Logs. Since Microsoft notifies admins with a message, it can be inferred that changes to the cloud policies were not logged previously, at least not in a way that was usable to administrators.

Changes made to policy configurations (create, update, delete) will be stored in Purview Audit, allowing admins to search and review change history. These logs will be available to Purview Audit Standard Users.

For Cloud Policies, there is a new workload called CloudPolicyService in the Purview Audit Logs for filtering.

Neuer Workload: CloudPolicyService
New workload: CloudPolicyService

The workload records four activities:

  • Created policy configuration
  • Deleted policy configuration
  • Updated policy configuration
  • Updated policy configuration priority

I did a test evaluation.
The summary includes the four activities. Before Microsoft’s introduction of Cloud Policy activities in audit logs, changes from the past are documented with an alternative description.

Ergebnisse aus der Suche für CloudPolicyService
Results from the search for CloudPolicyService

Audit logs typically capture changes associated with each activity in a JSON format.

    "Current_Name": "Default Tenant Policy",
    "Previous_Name": "Default Tenant Policy",
    "Current_Description": "Default Tenant Policy",
    "Current_CPSScope": 1,
    "Changes_in_Configured_Settings": {
        "Create Loop workspaces in Loop": "{\"AllowOverride\":false,\"App\":\"office16\",\"Class\":\"User\",\"Enabled\":true,\"Key\":\"common\\\\loop\",\"RegKeyFullPath\":\"microsoft\\\\office\\\\16.0\\\\common\\\\loop\",\"MaxVersion\":null,\"MinVersion\":null,\"Name\":\"Create Loop workspaces in Loop\",\"Platform\":\"Win32\",\"SettingId\":\"office16;L_Loop_App\",\"Type\":\"REG_DWORD\",\"Value\":\"1\",\"ValueName\":\"Loop_App\",\"Version\":null,\"IsVersionNeutral\":\"False\",\"ParentSettingId\":\"office16;L_Loop_App\",\"ApplicablePlatforms\":[\"Win32\",\"Mac\",\"iOS\",\"Android\",\"Web\"],\"DocVersion\":\"1.0\"}"
    "Current_Number_of_Policies_Configured": 1,
    "Current_Priority_Value": 3

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Tobias Asböck

Tobias is a Senior System Engineer with around ten years of professional experience with Microsoft 365 products such as SharePoint Online, SharePoint Premium, OneDrive for Business, Teams Collaboration, Entra ID, Information Protection, Universal Print, and Microsoft 365 Licensing. He also has 15+ years of experience planning, administering, and operating SharePoint Server environments. Tobias is a PowerShell Scripter with certifications for Microsoft 365 products. In his spare time, Tobias is busy with updates in the Microsoft 365 world or on the road with his road bike and other sports activities. If you have additional questions, please contact me via LinkedIn or [email protected].

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